Nobody on the internet actually cares about you. I’m sorry.
Love this. Our evolutionary instincts for belonging and status and chemical dispositions are totally being exploited. This parasocial media has us stuck on a hedonistic treadmill. So relevant!
I really enjoyed this piece.
I especially liked the way you compared social media to Hegel's idea of struggle for recognition. Thanks
this was fun. you write well! subscribed
thanks, glad you enjoyed!
You should read Byung-Chul Han, particularly his book Psychopolitics. I think you'd like it.
Thanks for the recommendation! Second time someone mentions Byung-Chik Han to me. By the way, big fan of your Social Recession essay :)
Love this. Our evolutionary instincts for belonging and status and chemical dispositions are totally being exploited. This parasocial media has us stuck on a hedonistic treadmill. So relevant!
I really enjoyed this piece.
I especially liked the way you compared social media to Hegel's idea of struggle for recognition. Thanks
this was fun. you write well! subscribed
thanks, glad you enjoyed!
You should read Byung-Chul Han, particularly his book Psychopolitics. I think you'd like it.
Thanks for the recommendation! Second time someone mentions Byung-Chik Han to me. By the way, big fan of your Social Recession essay :)